Day 28
This morning I woke up struggling to understand a few things. If you’ve never had those moments where you ask God, “why?” I commend you! But my morning brought more questions than answers. Then, true to God’s fashion, He gently answered me through a friend by answering, “there’s nothing that comes to you that hasn’t first passed through God’s hands, God is always in control.” Like if I ever needed a simplistic answer, that was it. If you feel like your life is like a Whack a Mole game, where you dive into your hole to escape life and then you try to emerge and peek out to see if it’s safe, but then get whacked by something else, hang in there. We all hit different seasons in life and those seasons will bring a lot of change. Just hold on, friend. Stay centered. Keep Philippians 4:6 close to your heart. Stay in control of what you can control, which is how you handle life’s twists and turns. Let what you do and what you say always be pleasing and acceptable to the Lord (Psalm 19:14) That’s what we can control-then allow God to be God and to what God does best.
Prayer prompts
Pray that when your husband encounters any “surprises” in life, that he will understand it wasn’t a surprise to God.
Pray that when life throws him curveball, he will petition God and pray. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6
Pray that your husbands words would always be pleasing and acceptable to God when he speaks to you, your kids, your family, friends and workplace. Pray that his thoughts would also be acceptable. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
Send your husband/family (whoever may need to hear it) that whatever they are going through, it already passed through God’s hands and He’s still in control. Remind him that you will continue to pray over anything that troubles him.